
and so my birthday is coming up in about 5 more days. that means i'll be 18. which also means i cant do bad things anymore or else i'm going straight to jail. not that im implying that i did do bad things. im just saying, that's all. and so i'll be able to gamble at areas such as cash creek. 

a topic on gambling. i dont like to gamble. i was never ever a gambling type of person. the only thing i bet was probably candy and chips. i dont test my luck on gambling because my luck is dry. im not a lucky person. i actually have lots of bad luck.  bad karma as most say.

on my page. i'm going to go back to normal. im taking out all the fruity colors that once filled my sections. it hurts my eyes sometimes. i'll be renovating in a couple more days. im not really in the mood to do it now.

i dont know what to write about any more. i seem much more gloomy and dead. im not livid any more. i dont smile as much as my dad would say. or i dont smile to him at least. i only smile when i laugh. make me laugh and you'll start to see me smile dad. say something stupid. something like "that guy bush is a stupid ass"

i've been sick. its getting annoying. it even caused me an eye infection.

im still debating if i should work at farmers insurance. maybe i'll give it a try... maybe.

im not funny online anymore. what's going on. where did my mind and soul drift off to? has the once dangerously living Bo come to a cease. i need to rehab or something. maybe im not getting enough sleep. maybe im deprived as a child. i dont know what it is. but its getting to me, really. i think i've been home too long. and i've forgotten how its like to have fun. who knows? maybe i'm going insane.

what is the purpose of life. really. to me, its like this. live. have fun. have as much fun as you can. and keep on having more fun. have fun until you die. but then there's all these new wave things in your way. you know like how you NEED money to have fun now in these days. without money you cant do any thing. whoever says that, fuck that shit. i dont need money to have fun. i'll have fun however i like to have fun. whatever's fun to me might not be as fun to you. maybe you get your jollys playing with your balls. i sure as hell dont. i get my jollys playing games online. to others, its utterly pointless and its a waste of their time. another thing, time seems like everything in other peoples lives. its the balance of the way the world revolves around them. forget that shit. time is nothing to me.

im beginning to become an angry person. as to my buddy kevin h, we are both angry men now. we dont know why. we're just angry. im getting stressed. i would say fu*k life and the world. but i cant. since i have so much more coming. i guess that's true. i just dont know if whatevers coming is gonna be good or bad.

surprise me destiny, surprise me

i'll stop right here before something awful slips out. i need to go out and get some fresh air. bye for now. you might find a whole new Bo. or maybe everything will be like before. maybe i should just surprise you.

previous update was 01/18/01

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